Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Dear Parents and Students,

I want to thank you all for a wonderful year. We have had quite the adventures this year, from our field trips to our classroom experiments! I wish you all a safe, well-deserved, and fun summer break. I also wish you all the best in Grade 4, and remember don't be a stranger...come visit Ms. Murzydlo's class often!                             

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~


Dear Parents and Students,

Wishing you all a safe and wonderful Easter long weekend. Enjoy spending this time with your family and friends, and remember try not to eat too much chocolate eggs! :) 

Here are links to some Easter games for you all to enjoy. As always please ask your parents for permission first before clicking on any link! 
~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

Friday, 22 March 2013


Dear Parents and Students,

As I discussed with you in class today, tomorrow is Earth Hour. Participate in this day by turning off all of your lights at home from 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm. By doing this you are all taking action on climate change.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Dear Parents and Students,

As we discussed in class, today is the first day of spring. My how fast time flies! Let’s hope that we get some beautiful weather these upcoming weeks, especially for the approaching Easter weekend!

I’ve included a link to some fun spring games that you can all check out (Tied in with some Science). As always, ask for permission first before clicking on any link. Spring Games Link

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

Monday, 18 March 2013

Plants and Animals Helping Each Other!

Dear Parents and Students,

Today in class we looked at the different ways in which plants and animals depend on each other. Here are some of our findings *Taken from the Science Curriculum*

  •        Plants provide food for energy
  •       Animals help disperse pollen and seeds, and provide manure that fertilizes the soil in which plans grow
  •       Plants need the carbon dioxide that animals breathe out, and animals need the oxygen that plants release into the air

Tomorrow you will be put into small groups and will be given several pictures to look at, as we continue to investigate how plants and animals help each other.  

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

Sunday, 17 March 2013


Dear Parents and Students,

Wishing you all a Happy St. Patrick's Day! 

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

Monday, 11 March 2013


Dear Parents and Students,

Today in class students were given paper nets to construct various prisms and pyramids. In the second part of class students worked in groups of three to compare and sort each of their figures. Students sorted each figure based on number and shape of faces, number of edges, and number of vertices, and then recorded their findings on chart paper. Tomorrow in class we will continue working on this activity.

As mentioned in class, this Friday we will have a short quiz on what we have learned so far. For those of you that want extra practice, I have included a list of useful links that will assist you in your reviewing. As always, ask for permission first before clicking on any link!

Click on this link to practice identifying faces of prisms and pyramids: FACES!

Click on this link to practice identifying faces, edges, and vertices of prisms and pyramids: FACES, EDGES, VERTICES!

Happy Reviewing!
~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Let's Multiply!

Dear Parents and Students,

These past few weeks we have been practicing our multiplication tables. For those of you who want even more practice, I've included TWO links to fun Multiplication Games. As always, ask your parents for permission first before going on any website! > Link to Multiplication Fish! AND Link to Multiplication Trees!

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~


Dear Parents and Students,

Wishing you and all of your loved ones a safe, wonderful, and well-deserved March Break. I can't wait to hear about all of your wonderful adventures when we come back!

Parents, I've included a link here to some March Break events that are taking place in Toronto > Link to March Break Events in Toronto

Students, if you find yourselves with nothing to do one day, I've included a link that you can check out (with your parents permission) to play some fun games! > Game Link 

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

Monday, 4 March 2013


Dear Parents and Students,

This is a reminder that Sunday, March 10 is Daylight Saving Time in the USA and Canada. Don't forget to turn your clocks one hour ahead! This just means spring is around the corner HURRAY!

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~ 

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Plant Parts

Dear Parents and Students,

Today in class we identified the major parts of plants, and described how each part contributes to the plant’s survival. We also discussed the basic needs of plants. Below I have outlined the key points from today’s class.

Parts of Plants: *Taken from the Science Curriculum*
Roots: soak up food and water for the plant.

Stem: carry water and food to the rest of the plant.

Leaves: make food for the plant with the help of the sun.

Flowers: grow fruit and seeds for new plants.

Basic Needs of Plants: air, water, light, warmth, and space.

See how well you know the major parts of the plant by clicking on this short, but fun activity. As always, ask your parents for permission first before clicking on this link. Label the Plant Activity 

In tomorrow’s class we will be doing a small investigation, where we will be observing and comparing the parts of a variety of plants. We will also continue to discuss three more important parts of plants: stamen, pistil, and fruit. Stay tuned…

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

MATH Test Reminder + Review!

Dear Parents and Students,

Today we finished up our Math Unit on 2-D Shapes. To prepare for our unit test next week Wednesday, I have provided you all with a list of useful links that you can click on (with your parents permission) to review for the test. I have also created below a list of key terms that were discussed in this unit.

Key Terms to Remember! *Taken from the Math Curriculum*
Congruent: having the same size and shape.

Geometric Pattern: pattern of repeating shapes, with changing attributes (shape, colour, size, and orientation)

Line of Symmetry: a line that divides a shape into two congruent parts that can be matched by folding the shape in half.

Polygon: a closed shape formed by three or more line segments.

Click on this link to review congruent shapes: Congruent Shapes

Click on this link to identify lines of symmetry in the shapes provided: Lines of Symmetry

Click on this link to sort 2-D shapes by their geometric properties in the Venn Diagram (just like we did in class): Sorting 2-D shapes

Click on this link to identify changing attributes in geometric patterns: Geometric Patterns

Remember to study hard. I know you all will do your very best!

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

Friday, 22 February 2013

I SPY...

Dear Students, 

I know how much many of you love taking out "I SPY" books from the library, so I have included a link to a wonderful site that allows you to play an endless amount of I SPY games. As always, please ask your parents for permission first before clicking on the link. I SPY Link
                                     Happy searching!

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

Let's Talk About Plants!

Dear Parents and Students,

Tomorrow we are going to be starting our new Science Unit on Growth and Changes in Plants. As I mentioned in class today, I want you all to come up with a list of four ways that people use plants. Please bring this list to class tomorrow. I have included here a link to a picture that will give you some ideas.

Click here > How Plants Are Used  to access the picture. 

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~


Dear Parents and Students,

Today in class we reviewed how a polygon is a closed shape formed by three or more line segments, such as a triangle, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, and so on. We also discussed why a circle is not a polygon (*Remember it has a curved side). 

With your parents permission, click on this link to play Polygon or Not? It is a fun way to review today’s lesson.

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~


Dear Parents and Students,

This is a reminder that this upcoming Monday our school will be having a Scholastic Book Fair in the Library. If you wish to make any purchases, please be sure to bring your money on Monday. 

With your parents permission, click on Scholastic Website to see what Scholastic has to offer!

           ~ Ms. Murzydlo ~            

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Learning About Forces

Dear Parents and Students,

We have spent this past week discussing how a force is something that can cause movement. We also identified a force as being a push or a pull that causes objects to move. During these discussions we came across the different types of forces that exist. Here is a quick review of the ones we covered so far:

Gravity: the force that pulls objects towards the earth (Think back to the experiment we did with the dropping of the bouncy ball, rock, and paper ball. What did we discover?). 

Here is a fun song to remind you about gravity. ENJOY!

Magnetic Force: the force of a magnet that attracts objects containing iron or nickel (Think back to the experiment we did with the paper clips and pins. What did we discover when we put a magnet to these objects?).

With your parents permission, click on the link below to play a fun and interactive game that teaches you about magnets.

This upcoming Monday we are going to be looking at yet another type of force ELECTROSTATIC! Here is a small hint as to what we are going to be doing in class next week >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

Friday, 15 February 2013



Wishing you and all your families a safe and wonderful long weekend! I look forward to hearing all about your adventures on Tuesday!

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

Thursday, 14 February 2013



Thank you all for the lovely valentines today! Wishing you and 
all your loved ones a Happy Valentine’s Day!

p.s. I’ve included a link to a fun Valentine’s Day Word Search that you all can try out. Please be sure to ask your parents for permission firstValentine's Day Word Search Link
~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

What is Technology?

Dear Parents,

Please take the time and read what my colleagues and I have written about the nature of technology.

What is Technology?  In asking this question our minds are immediately drawn to 'modern' technologies that we use in everyday life. Ipads, laptop computers, cell phones and television permeate our lives to such a degree that our concept, or definition, of technology is narrowed to include only these types of devices.  But technology is a far broader concept.

First, technology can be seen as a tool. These tools can include modern devices such as a computer, but the concept of a technological tool goes much further.  Indeed, something as basic as a pencil is properly regarded as technology.  In defining technology as a tool, it is recognized that these tools are continually evolving, and this evolution occurs to satisfy the ever changing individual and societal needs.  This concept of need is central to the process of technological innovation.   

As an evolutionary concept, technology can also be regarded as two different processes or practices: a creation process and a human practice. As a creation process, technology is integrally related to science.  As our understanding of science evolves, new technology is developed based on that evolved understanding. At the same time, evolving or new technologies can assist in broadening our base of scientific knowledge.  In this sense the relationship between science and technology is symbiotic.  Key players in this symbiotic process are engineers, since they act as innovators and risk takers in adapting existing technology to new needs.

As a human practice, technology imports important environmental, ethical, political and societal considerations.  While technology can bring enormous benefits, all too often the use (or abuse) of new technologies results in unintended negative consequences and results in waste.
~ Ms. Murzydlo ~