Monday 11 March 2013


Dear Parents and Students,

Today in class students were given paper nets to construct various prisms and pyramids. In the second part of class students worked in groups of three to compare and sort each of their figures. Students sorted each figure based on number and shape of faces, number of edges, and number of vertices, and then recorded their findings on chart paper. Tomorrow in class we will continue working on this activity.

As mentioned in class, this Friday we will have a short quiz on what we have learned so far. For those of you that want extra practice, I have included a list of useful links that will assist you in your reviewing. As always, ask for permission first before clicking on any link!

Click on this link to practice identifying faces of prisms and pyramids: FACES!

Click on this link to practice identifying faces, edges, and vertices of prisms and pyramids: FACES, EDGES, VERTICES!

Happy Reviewing!
~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

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