Saturday 23 February 2013

MATH Test Reminder + Review!

Dear Parents and Students,

Today we finished up our Math Unit on 2-D Shapes. To prepare for our unit test next week Wednesday, I have provided you all with a list of useful links that you can click on (with your parents permission) to review for the test. I have also created below a list of key terms that were discussed in this unit.

Key Terms to Remember! *Taken from the Math Curriculum*
Congruent: having the same size and shape.

Geometric Pattern: pattern of repeating shapes, with changing attributes (shape, colour, size, and orientation)

Line of Symmetry: a line that divides a shape into two congruent parts that can be matched by folding the shape in half.

Polygon: a closed shape formed by three or more line segments.

Click on this link to review congruent shapes: Congruent Shapes

Click on this link to identify lines of symmetry in the shapes provided: Lines of Symmetry

Click on this link to sort 2-D shapes by their geometric properties in the Venn Diagram (just like we did in class): Sorting 2-D shapes

Click on this link to identify changing attributes in geometric patterns: Geometric Patterns

Remember to study hard. I know you all will do your very best!

~ Ms. Murzydlo ~

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